Interested in where your tax $$ will be spent?
Budget deliberations are being finalized with a special Committee of the Whole meeting tonight:
April 18 at 6:00 pm @ Town Hall
All meetings are open to the public.
Floreat Grimsby In Medio Horti
Interested in where your tax $$ will be spent?
Budget deliberations are being finalized with a special Committee of the Whole meeting tonight:
April 18 at 6:00 pm @ Town Hall
All meetings are open to the public.
Unfortunately, we missed the March 29 Council meeting that discussed the budget. So we thought it would be wise to review the minutes on the Grimsby Town Hall website to see what was discussed… what did we find, basically nothing. Surprised?
Want to spectate, participate or just see how town affairs are administered, feel free to attend the above meetings.
Asset Management
This team was created by Town Manager Brandt to better manage, monitor and report on the Town assets such as; roads, buildings, IT, sanitary and water systems, pipes, fleet and equipment, parks, street lights, to name a few. Jenn Gross, a GIS Analyst for the Town presented.
It was noted that the Town’s asset plan currently does not have enough detail in it to satisfy government reporting requirements. New software and processes will enhance accountability and transparency and enable the Town to better prioritize asset repair and replacement.
A meeting to present the consolidated budget was held on March 29, 2017. Budget overview can be found at:
29 Oak Street – Minor Variance
Council discussed at length the Committee of Adjustment’s (COA) decision to approve a new two-storey building replacing the current home at 29 Oak Street. Planning staff had recommended deferral on the basis that the excavated height of the exposed front-facing three-car garage did not meet compatibility criteria for the heritage style of the 1920’s era neighbourhood.
When: Monday March 6, 2017 @ 7:00 PM
Where: Grimsby Town Hall
Council meetings are open to the public and all are invited to attend.
Agenda for the meeting can be found here:
There will be a special presentation to Town Council on the draft Consolidated Budget on Monday, February 27 at 5:00 pm at Town Hall.
The public is welcome to attend.
The agenda and full draft budget can be found at:
It’s budget time and draft “asks” are being circulated by the various committees. Read the posted committee agendas and find out where your tax dollars are proposed to be spent. Better yet, come to the Committee meetings (they’re open to the public) and hear the discussion – – a lot more is said than gets printed in the minutes.
February 21, 2017 @ 7:00PM
Grimsby Town Hall
While the forthcoming OMB appeal is scheduled to be discussed in a closed session at Council, we encourage those interested to attend.
The Council agenda for this meeting can be found at:…/Council%20-%2021%20Feb%20201…
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