Floreat Grimsby In Medio Horti

Month: October 2022 (Page 1 of 2)

Municipal Election 2022: Final Days, Final Considerations… And Vote!

With only today and tomorrow left before we know who will be representing us as the Council of 2022-2026, it is time for those voters who have yet to cast their ballot to reflect on the past 4 years of Council, and the campaigns of incumbents and new-faces trying to secure a seat in the horseshoe at Town Hall.

With the ground-game of candidates pretty much winding down at this point, lets look at some points of consideration if you are yet to cast your ballot.

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Fact Checking: Duncan Storey – Ward 3’s “TRULY Inclusive Candidate”?

To say that the 2018-2022 term of Grimsby Council was fractured is an understatement. Take the contentious issues, lack of decorum from some Members of Council and amplify that through the use of Zoom meetings and it easy to see how things went off the rails at times.

What residents have called for loud and clear in the next Council is one that is more cohesive and works together well. But that can only happen if the Members of Council you elect possess at their core, decency and mutual respect for others, even in times of disagreement.

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Council 2018-2022: Sharpe’s Email Forwarding Leads to Harassment of Resident

Like a letter in an envelope, most people have a general expectation with email that the contents of the correspondence will remain confidential to those it is addressed to. When a person writes elected officials or government, the expectation of privacy is typically even higher.

For one resident, it turns out that writing an email to Council ended up in one Councillor forwarding it on, resulting in the resident being harassed, threatened and ridiculed online.

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Municipal Election 2022: Grimsby Chamber Mayoral Debate Now Online

If you couldn’t attend the Grimsby Chamber of Commerce event on Thursday and want to see how Mayoral Debate went down, it has now been posted online.

You can find the debate embedded below:

UPDATE: October 23, 2022 – Cogeco has removed their municipal election videos from YouTube. Unfortunately we do not have an archived copy.


NewsNow: Ward 1, 2, 3 and 4 Candidates Q&A Podcasts Posted

If you missed the Ward canadidate “Q&A” sessions, NewsNow has made recordings of them available on their website. The Ward 2 session is on October 17th, so without the aid of time machine it will not be posted until after that date.

You can listen/view the sessions by clicking the links below:

Ward 1 + Impromptu Mayoral Candidate Questions – Video Podcast
Ward 2 – Video Podcast
Ward 3 – Audio Podcast
Ward 4 – Video Podcast

Thanks to the organizers for holding these sessions and NewsNow for archiving them for your consideration.

EDITED 2022-10-23: Added Ward 2 Podcast

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