The Town will be hosting a statutory public meeting at June 19th’s Planning & Development Committee meeting to discuss proposed changes to height/density bonusing in the Official Plan and Zoning By-Law.
Month: May 2018
It looks like there might be trouble brewing for Grimsby Regional Councillor Tony Quirk after some publicly funded flyers appear to be an attempt to campaign on the public dime. Even the CAO of the NPCA, a Board Councillor Quirk sits on, is seeking answers on this one.
Notice: P&D (Century Condos) May 29, NPCA Grimsby Floodplain Mapping May 31 + Council Notes (May 22)
REMINDER: Century Condos Open House – May 29 @ 7 pm – Town Hall
Don’t miss the May 29th Public Open House at 7:00 pm on the Century Condos downtown development to hear about the revised 4 storey proposal and provide any comments you may have.
Things haven’t been moving too quickly on the West Lincoln Memorial Hospital redevelopment, but the Town is racing ahead to prepare a Secondary Plan and Urban Design guidelines to plan for intensification and redevelopment within the surrounding neighbourhood. Continue reading

Photo Credit: DeSantis Homes/IBI Group/KNYMH
DeSantis Homes and their planners have released some more information on their 4-storey downtown condo proposal. The proposal will be up for a public meeting on May 29th where you can ask questions or add your comments to the developer and Town Planning staff.
We’ve got a double-feature with today’s post covering both the May 7 and May 8 Council and P&D meetings, respectively.
Monday, May 7 – Council Notes
After a well attended Planning & Development Open House meeting on the now cancelled 8 storey proposal for Century Condos downtown, the developer and his team will be back at Town Hall on Tuesday May 29th to present their 4 storey revised proposal.
The Grimsby GO Transit Station Secondary Plan was presented to the Region’s Planning and Economic Development Committee on April 25 and Regional Council for approval on May 3, 2018. Only a few small technical changes were made.