Floreat Grimsby In Medio Horti

Tag: 502 Winston Road (Page 1 of 2)

LAST CALL: 502 Winston Road Greenbelt Public Planning Meeting – June 5th @ Town Hall

It’s “Groundhog Day” on June 5th for the Greenbelt property at 502 Winston Road when the Town hosts its last public meeting into the application to redesignate the property from “Specialty Crop – Tender Fruit & Grape Lands” to the lesser-protected “Rural” classification. If approved, this would be the first step towards potential major development of this Greenbelt land.

After the original change was put on hold and then outright rejected by the Province after their “Greenbelt fiasco”, the applicant is now trying (again) at the Town and Regional level.

If you wish to spectate or delegate your opinion on this Greenbelt property application, the meeting will be tomorrow (Wed June 5th) at 6PM at Town Hall, Council Chambers. If you wish to delegate by Zoom, you can email your request to planning@grimsby.ca and/or clerks@grimsby.ca

Meeting Agenda: https://bit.ly/3yOv1kJ

Notice of Public Meetings: 502 Winston Road Greenbelt Redesignation (Town & Region)

After the Province made good on their promise to rollback all their Greenbelt changes, the developers at 502 Winston have “reactivated” their original Town and Regional Official Plan Amendment applications. The applications are attempting to “redesignate” the Greenbelt property from Specialty Crop/Tender Fruit to the lesser protected Rural designation. This would “pave the way” for an urban boundary expansion and potentially significant development on those lakefront lands.

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Staff Report: Council Urged To Ask Province Not To Return Land To Greenbelt

Following a resolution passed in October requesting the Town submit comments to the Province regarding the reversal of the Greenbelt changes, a Staff Report for the consideration of Council on Monday was published today. The report urges Council to request that the Province NOT to reverse the Greenbelt changes in Grimsby (502 Winston and Cline Road) and leave those parcels out for development.

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Questions Over “Cline Road”, Same Greenbelt Consultant Attends Recent Town Planning Event

Photo Credit: Google/Google Earth, Fair Trading.

While most of the posts here on the Greenbelt flip-flop and its relation to Grimsby have focused on the waterfront lands at 502 Winston Road, not much has been said about the former Greenbelt properties between Oakes Road North/Kelson North and Main Street West/CN rail tracks. That is until now.

Global News has taken a detailed look at some of the lands there. Parts of the lands in question are owned or controlled by an employee (executive assistant) of LiUNA, a large Ford-friendly construction union that has local offices on Hunter Road in Grimsby.

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The $10 Million Waterfront Gamble: Part 4 – That’s Not My Letter!

Well, it’s been about 10 months since the last look at the waterfront Greenbelt land and future development of 502 Winston Road. Needless to say, quite a bit has transpired since. The conclusion in that December 2022 post was that an Auditor General’s report, IC investigation and/or more formal investigative process (RCMP) was needed over the whole Greenbelt process. That suggestion has now come to bear fruit.

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The $10 Million Waterfront Gamble: Part 3 – How Did 502 Winston Get In The Province’s Greenbelt Proposal?

With Bill 23 now passed by the Ford Government and having received Royal Assent, the proposed Greenbelt changes have now come into focus. This has spurred calls for the Premier to resign, an MPP launching a complaint to Ontario’s Integrity Commissioner and many calling for a criminal investigation due to the issue not passing the “sniff test”. With media linking possible names and political donations to the PC party, it seemed timely to return to our own local Greenbelt parcel of controversy, 502 Winston Road.

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The $10 Million Waterfront Gamble: 502 Winston, Part 2 – The Path To Paradise?

We are back and picking up where we left-off in August on the proposed agricultural “re-designation” of the Greenbelt waterfront property at 502 Winston Road. While there was intent to follow-up with another post shortly after the “open-house” meeting in September, we listened to an inside voice that said just wait.

Apparently this was a wise move, as “Dozer” Doug Ford’s government is now attempting to intervene in what should be a municipal/regional application process with its plan to pave over large sections of the existing Greenbelt to have “More Homes Built Faster”. The waterfront Greenbelt lands at 502 Winston Road are part of that controversial proposal.

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Ford & PCs Planning To Bulldoze Parts Of The Greenbelt, Grimsby Included

Photo Credit: Canadian Press/Chris Young – Fair Dealing

Our next post was meant to highlight the environmental aspects of Bill 23 “More Homes Built Faster Act, but it appears Doug Ford and his Progressive “Conservatives” managed to one-up themselves today by proposing to remove or re-designate 7,400 acres from the Greenbelt. Among the proposed areas up for grabs in Grimsby is the 502 Winston Road lakefront property and a large block near Main Street West.

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LAST CALL: 502 Winston Road – Open House Meeting – September 26, 2022

The deadline of September 23, 2022 @ 12PM is drawing near if you want to speak or make comment at the Town’s Zoom-only “open house” meeting for the lands known as 502 Winston Road (aka “321 Hunter Road”) scheduled for September 26, 2022. The meeting will focus on the applicant’s request to have the Official Plan amended to re-designate the land, which is in the Greenbelt, from “Specialty Crop Area – Tender Fruit and Grape Lands” to just “Rural”.

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