Before we get to the results, Grimsby residents should pat themselves on the back. There was a great turnout both with electronic voting and with traditional ballots at Town Hall. It shows how dedicated residents are to our community. Now onto the unofficial results…
Category: Niagara Votes
‘Twas the night before the election and all through the Town, not a candidate was sleeping despite tiredness from making the rounds…
It goes without saying that social media is playing an even more pivotal role in elections allowing candidates to connect directly to voters. Our upcoming municipal election on October 22 will be no exception and in this post and others to follow, we will take a deeper look into social media use.

Niagara This Week featured a personal piece with Mayor Bentley or “Mayor Bob” as he prefers to be called and his decision to not seek re-election to Grimsby’s Mayoral seat. With new additions to his family and many years in the public spotlight, we can certainly understand his decision.
With the List of Official Candidates now certified, it appears that Regional Council has found themselves in a “lame duck” situation. With a little less than the 75% of the current Regional Council vying to return to the Chambers, the Region now has a lame duck Council.
Nominations for the 2018 Municipal Election closed today at 2PM and the list as posted on the Town site shows for some competitive if not interesting races. Notably Mayor Bentley did not re-file for Mayor and he will be handing over the Chains of Office to one of two known contenders, Jeff Jordan or Steve Berry.
While it is still the beginning of July, some are looking forward to the fall… not for the cooler weather, but because October 22 is the day “Niagara Votes”. The opportunity to bring back (or usher out) local politicians is one not to be taken lightly and of course we urge every one to exercise that democratic right.