Floreat Grimsby In Medio Horti

Tag: Jeff Jordan

Grimsby Votes: Debate Videos Roundup


With electronic and telephone voting now open, we thought we would provide you with a quick list of the various debates available.  Whether you are still sitting on the fence on who to vote for or already have your candidates chosen, the debates applicable to you are worth a watch.

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How They Voted: Biodigester – The $4.5M Loan Guarantee


We noticed that NewsNow printed an interesting update on the Biodigester in this week’s edition of the paper entitled “Bio Blues”.  The article examines the numerous non-compliance issues at the Biodigester found by the Province, which we do not find surprising.  You can read the entire article here:  https://www.wn3.ca/2018/10/06/bio-blues/

Given that “thing” on Sobie Road is probably burning more money than it is organic material, we thought we would take a look back at the Bio and see how Council voted on one of many issues to arise out of that white elephant.  It has been a hot item on the minds of voters for this election cycle and one that causes incumbents to seek shelter or provide excuses.  So let the record speak for itself.

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Grimsby Votes: The Great “Debate” Debate

For those who might not have caught last week’s article and editorial in News Now, there was a focus on the upcoming municipal election debate(s).  The Grimsby Chamber of Commerce has tentatively scheduled a Mayoral debate on October 2nd from 7-8PM at the Casablanca Winery Inn.  A “meet and greet” with all candidates from the other races, will bookend the night before and after the debate.

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Grimsby Votes: The Race For The Mayor’s Chair

With residents across Niagara becoming more aware in civics, calling for change and a sweeping out of Councils both at the municipal and regional levels, it comes as no surprise that there are five open mayoral seats in the Region. For some, it is often better to throw in the towel than suffer a defeat by the electorate at the ballot box.

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