This site has often referred to the Biodigester as the “Biodisaster” and now that a wealth of answers hidden by the old Council have been brought to light by our new Council, this project is living up to the nickname.
Tag: Loan Guarantee
We noticed that NewsNow printed an interesting update on the Biodigester in this week’s edition of the paper entitled “Bio Blues”. The article examines the numerous non-compliance issues at the Biodigester found by the Province, which we do not find surprising. You can read the entire article here:
Given that “thing” on Sobie Road is probably burning more money than it is organic material, we thought we would take a look back at the Bio and see how Council voted on one of many issues to arise out of that white elephant. It has been a hot item on the minds of voters for this election cycle and one that causes incumbents to seek shelter or provide excuses. So let the record speak for itself.