The Grimsby Heritage Committee will be sitting on July 4th (6PM @ Town Hall) and like the heat outside, there will be at least one HOT agenda item, the intention to designate 33 Victoria Terrace as a heritage property. For those who might be new to Grimsby, this is in the historical “Grimsby Beach” area.
The Planning Department is recommending to the Committee that the home be designated and protected as a heritage property as the Town and their consultants opined it meets the heritage criteria. The new owners with their hired planner are arguing it is not worthy of designation, which would leave them free to tear the building down as they so desire and disrupting the fabric of this area.
If you agree with the Town, as we do and that this property deserves heritage protection, please send your comments of support to the following email address: planning@grimsby.ca
Although the meeting is open to the public, there will not be an opportunity to speak at the podium so it is essential that comments supporting the Town and the heritage designation be sent as soon as possible. Please plan to attend.
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