Photo Credit: Emily Spanton/The Standard
In what seems to be a malaise in politics to intimidate, control and influence free media (or “fake news” as some elected officials call it), it looks like The Region got caught red-handed. The Ombudsman recently released a report entitled “Press Pause” on the Region’s December 7, 2017 meeting where press equipment was seized and journalists were ejected.
The Ombudsman unearthed even more dirt on the Region’s behaviour in the investigation including:
- That the closed meeting was also illegal as the doors to the building were locked
- The Region violated the Municipal Act as they did not pass a resolution stating why the closed session was not open the public.
You can read The Standard’s quick rundown of the report here: Niagara Region Acted Contrary To Law In Seizing Reporter’s Computer
The full report from the Ombudsman (a good read) can be found here: