Photo Credit:  Town of Grimsby

While much of the talk of “development” in Grimsby has been focused on the West End, the East End of town has been receiving attention on a quieter note in the form of the “Hospital Corridor” Secondary Plan.

The Town held a “visioning workshop” in early June to allow residents to provide input on the plan.  Our post with some of the background information can be found by clicking this link here.

Niagara This Week took a deeper look at the Plan and spoke with Town staff and Alderman Seaborn, whose ward encompasses the proposed Secondary Plan.

The big question for residents to ponder is why the big push for this area with the assistance of the region?  Without a firm commitment or timeline from the hospital on redevelopment, where is the pressure for development coming from?

We will keep you posted when any Town meetings on the plan are announced.

You can read the full article by Richard Hutton here: