Unlike the past two meetings where Council has seen a “lite” version of an Agenda, this Monday’s proceedings looks like it’s going to be a long night, given it’s 5:30 PM start. If variety is your thing, then this Agenda is just for you.
Director of Planning Candidate (Closed Session)
Council will first be in closed session to “meet and greet” the person who is the suggested final candidate for the vacant position of the Town’s Director of Planning, Building and By-Law. The position has been back-filled by the Deputy Director since the departure of Michael Seaman as Director of Planning in 2019.
Livingston Avenue Extension (Closed Session)
In response to the Region’s release of their Environmental Study Report that (as accidentally uttered by their consultant in 2018) “justifies the need for the road” through Greenbelt and the Irish Grove Woodlot, the Town will be discussing their response that will be submitted to the Region and/or Province.
If you wish to submit comments to the Region on the proposed extension, you can do so by clicking here.
Town Investment Portfolio
As per statutory requirements, the Director of Finance will be presenting a statement on the Town’s investment portfolio and how it has performed for the municipality. If you want to read up ahead of time, the data is in the Agenda link at the bottom of this post.
Third Party Investigation Communication (Closed Session)
Last week, Council met in a closed session “to receive an investigation report as authorized by Council resolution passed at its special meeting held on February 10, 2020“. Other than the public minutes of that meeting, there has been no information from the Town about the investigation. It should be interesting to see what results out of the discussion on “Communication”. This week’s edition of NewsNow has an editorial on their view and a chronology of events at this link here.
Watch Party
As always, Council meetings are open to everyone and the public is encouraged to attend and can be viewed online at the following URLs:
Town’s Livestream: https://vimeo.com/grimsbycouncilchambers
Facebook Live: https://www.facebook.com/GCFRG/live_videos/
Full Agenda: June 15, 2020 – Council Agenda
Please note the meeting time of 5:30 PM, rather than the usual 7 PM start.