Floreat Grimsby In Medio Horti

Tag: Inclusivity

Fact Checking: Duncan Storey – Ward 3’s “TRULY Inclusive Candidate”?

To say that the 2018-2022 term of Grimsby Council was fractured is an understatement. Take the contentious issues, lack of decorum from some Members of Council and amplify that through the use of Zoom meetings and it easy to see how things went off the rails at times.

What residents have called for loud and clear in the next Council is one that is more cohesive and works together well. But that can only happen if the Members of Council you elect possess at their core, decency and mutual respect for others, even in times of disagreement.

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Notice: Council Agenda – July 20, 2020

In contrast to the much shorter and light Council meetings recently, this Monday’s upcoming (Zoom) meeting looks like it will be a marathon. Three delegations, 6 Integrity Commissioner reports , 16 Staff reports, 2 closed sessions. Do not forget Correspondence and New Business!

Let’s take a look at some of the more interesting items…

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