The OLT has provided their written decision from the recent hearing on both the proposed new build and demolition of heritage buildings on the Cole’s property. The folks over at SaveMainStreet have written a thought-provoking post on the decision. Rather than re-invent the wheel, we suggest you read their post by clicking this link here.
The OLT hearing for the property municipally known as 141-149 Main Street East, the Cole’s property, will commence this coming Monday (July 4, 2022) at 10:00 AM. The hearing is scheduled for ten days, although it is not known whether the full allotment of time will be required.
You can read more about the development at the following links:
As this OLT hearing is being conducted electronically, members of the public are invited and encouraged to watch the proceedings using the following information:
If you or a loved one does not have access to a tablet, smartphone or computer, and wishes to listen in on the hearing, they can do so by calling the following numbers:
The Town will be hosting an (online) “open house” meeting for the Losani Homes proposal at 141-149 Main Street East, the current location of Cole’s Florist and Garden Centre.
An open house meeting is your first and important opportunity to “take a kick at the can” and let the applicant know what you think of the plan they have brought before the Town.
You can check out the relevant application documents at this link here:
Don’t think it fits with the character of Main Street East? Don’t just sit there, register to participate in the Zoom meeting (via tablet, laptop or by telephone) and have your say.
Registrations for the meeting can be secured by emailing Nancy Simon by before noon on Friday March 26th. The meeting goes live on Monday March 29, 2021 @ 6PM.
Council is back in Chambers for their first regular meeting under the “Committee of the Whole System” aka COTW. If you aren’t familiar with COTW, essentially the old Committees have been dissolved and now all of Council will consider most matters together.
Their first agenda is quite full, 408 pages worth of material to be considered and as with any new change in governance structure, there may be a bit of a learning curve with the new Procedural By-Law that was passed earlier this week.
The proposed development by Losani Homes at the former Fifth Wheel lands will go before a statutory public meeting on January 28, 2020 at 6PM @ Town Hall.
Let’s try this again… we are just posting a reminder of the “open house” event for the proposed Losani development at the Fifth Wheel property. The meeting is scheduled for Tuesday (February 26) at 6 PM. All are welcome and encouraged to attend and provide input.
As promised, we would post the updated date for the Planning & Development Committee “Open House” event for the Losani/Fifth Wheel proposal. It has been rescheduled for February 26th @ 6PM (Note the early start time) at Town Hall.
As a public service, GCFRG will still post items that it deems of “significant public interest” and with that we are bringing you are a reminder of the Town’s “Open House” event for the proposed Losani development at the former “Fifth Wheel” site at Casablanca Boulevard & Winston Road.