Although it was only Monday that the polls closed, it along with all the campaigning seems to have been so long ago. In this post, we are going to look back at the numbers and do a little analysis on the election.
Tag: Municipal Election 2018 (Page 1 of 3)
Before we get to the results, Grimsby residents should pat themselves on the back. There was a great turnout both with electronic voting and with traditional ballots at Town Hall. It shows how dedicated residents are to our community. Now onto the unofficial results…
‘Twas the night before the election and all through the Town, not a candidate was sleeping despite tiredness from making the rounds…
We received a tip from an eagle-eyed resident regarding some large mobile signs promoting Alderman Berry’s run for the Mayor’s Chair. ‘Tis the season for signage, but after checking them out ourselves, there is more than one message than what is plastered on the sign.
With electronic and telephone voting now open, we thought we would provide you with a quick list of the various debates available. Whether you are still sitting on the fence on who to vote for or already have your candidates chosen, the debates applicable to you are worth a watch.
We are back again with the third installment of “HTV”. Before we dig in, a big “tip of the hat” to our readers… these posts are very popular and we appreciate your time in reading them. But back to the business at hand, or the business at the hands of Council to be more precise. This time we will look at how Council handled the Odyssey Condominium project AKA 10 Windward Drive, a project which is currently in the early sales phase.
We noticed that NewsNow printed an interesting update on the Biodigester in this week’s edition of the paper entitled “Bio Blues”. The article examines the numerous non-compliance issues at the Biodigester found by the Province, which we do not find surprising. You can read the entire article here:
Given that “thing” on Sobie Road is probably burning more money than it is organic material, we thought we would take a look back at the Bio and see how Council voted on one of many issues to arise out of that white elephant. It has been a hot item on the minds of voters for this election cycle and one that causes incumbents to seek shelter or provide excuses. So let the record speak for itself.
For those who have been following all the way back since our inception, the above image might look familiar. It was used in our first post about the Planning & Development Committee rejecting LJM’s Waterview Phase II second major revision in 2016… which Council later overturned and approved.
We received word from the people at A Better Grimsby that the Ward Alderman debates for Wards 2, 3 and 4 have now been posted online on YouTube. They can be accessed at the following links:
While the sign at the corner of Hunter and Winston Roads asks “Are You On The Voter List?”, it sure seems like the Town doesn’t want you to be…. or at least is not expending any effort to ensure you can use their portal.