More than a year after the then Planning & Development Committee Chairman Nick DiFlavio told the Casablanca Inn Winery developers “Please don’t come back here with the exact same plan”, it looks like they are ready to take another kick at the can.
As this proposed development generated a lot of backlash when it rolled into Town Hall in March 2018, we thought we would post this as one of the “stories of interest” that will get published occasionally.
The Rosseau Group which now owns the Inn property is hosting a “developer’s open house”, meaning it’s not a Town sanctioned meeting, on May 15, 2019 from 5:30PM to 7:30PM at the Winery Inn.
While we have not yet seen the new design, it is speculated that the previously heavily criticized design aesthetic has changed, but there probably will not be much difference in the height which were previously 19 & 22 storeys.
Purpose Of A Developer’s Open House
Rather than waiting to have a meeting at Town Hall, a developer held open house lets the developer gauge public interest (or disinterest) in a project before submitting or continuing an application. It also gives residents a “sneak peek” at what ideas a developer has up their sleeves.
These events also serve as an “information gathering exercise” where developers look at what issues people will raise at the Town sanctioned open house and/or statutory public meeting. This will allow them to have their hired guns loaded and ready to shoot down any citizen concerns in front of the Planning & Development Committee.
If you plan on attending, it’s probably best just to take in the information and not to give the developer or their consultants feedback. It is much better to hold off until you can air your questions, comments and concerns in front of the duly-elected Committee and Town planning staff at a proper venue.
Once again, the developer’s open house runs from 5:30PM to 7:30PM this coming Wednesday, May 15, 2019 at the Casablanca Winery Inn. The event is open to the public and all are welcome to attend.