Floreat Grimsby In Medio Horti

Author: GCFRG (Page 19 of 45)

How They Voted: Irish Woodlot / Livingston Ave. Extension

With fall in the air, our local enclaves of forests (well, we don’t really have many left below the escarpment) are starting to turn into beautiful hues and the much loved Irish Woodlot in Grimsby is no exception.  As such, we thought it would be apt to turn our “How They Voted” eyes onto the Irish Woodlot and the proposed “Livingston Avenue Extension” through it.

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The Hydro Files: Part 2 – One Small Town, Five Hydro Boards

While in attendance at the July 16, 2018 Council meeting, we noted one item on the agenda whose timing was a little puzzling.  This item was a recommendation from the “Working Committee Board of Directors for Niagara Power” with a list of the Town’s various hydro boards and individuals who were recommended to serve on them.  Given that the election was just a few months away, we began wondering why 2 and 3-year terms appeared on the agenda and started thinking about these Boards of Directors.

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