Here is our post of upcoming October meetings at Town Hall.
Council reconvenes on Monday and the full agenda can be viewed here:,543,79798&preview=86994
Floreat Grimsby In Medio Horti
Here is our post of upcoming October meetings at Town Hall.
Council reconvenes on Monday and the full agenda can be viewed here:,543,79798&preview=86994
Well, hope that everyone had great summer… kids are back in school (most of them) and the meeting schedule at Town Hall is picking up once again. With the days growing shorter, meetings are back to their regular times for the rest of the schedule.
Summer slows things down in terms of meetings at Town Hall, but that doesn’t mean they stop altogether. Above you can find the next scheduled meetings of Council and various Committees.
While Committee of Adjustment meetings tend to be uneventful affairs with applications for minor variances dealing with setbacks and whatnot, the meeting on June 13 was certainly a sight to be seen. The show was certainly worth the price of admission.
This week brings us meetings of many of the Town Committees and they sure look to have an interesting lineup… a little something for everyone it seems.
Despite the small meeting room, there was a great resident turn-out for the Committee of Adjustment public meeting concerning #52 Garden Drive!
There will be a Committee of Adjustment meeting at 7PM on Tuesday, May 30, 2017 @ Town Hall.
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