Despite getting the boot from the electorate, it looks like the “old guard” at the NPCA is desperately trying to retain control of the organization in one form or another. Unfinished business perhaps?
Category: Niagara Region (Page 2 of 6)
The external governance audit of Niagara Region, including the NPCA, that is being conducted by Dr. Andrew Sancton and Dr. Tim Cobban is seeking public input and is hosting a public meeting on November 28th at Niagara Regional HQ.

With the recent uproar over some extensive tree-cutting in NOTL to make way for a new development, A Better Niagara takes a look at how to better protect our natural environment from the ravages of development.
You can read their post on Facebook here: How Do We Change This?
Just a quick reminder that the Region will be hosting an “open house” event at the Casablanca Winery Inn on Thursday, November 8th from 5:30PM – 7PM.
Below is the information included in the e-mail regarding the event.
With fall in the air, our local enclaves of forests (well, we don’t really have many left below the escarpment) are starting to turn into beautiful hues and the much loved Irish Woodlot in Grimsby is no exception. As such, we thought it would be apt to turn our “How They Voted” eyes onto the Irish Woodlot and the proposed “Livingston Avenue Extension” through it.

Source: Stock Photo via Wikimedia Commons
Yes, the headline may sound a little spectacular but when you start connecting the dots, it is clear that much like the Regional CAO hiring process, there is a “parallel process” at play at the Region with a potential predetermined outcome when it comes to the Greenbelt.
The Auditor General’s report on the audit of the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority was tabled a short time ago at Queen’s Park and is now available on the AG’s site. Not surprisingly, the AG found that there is some serious issues with that organization.
It will be an interesting week at Queen’s Park (and the Region) as the Auditor General is tabling it’s report on the audit of the Niagara Peninsula Conversation Authority.
The Region sent out a letter to residents along Casablanca announcing a “Stakeholder Workshop” will be held on September 27, 2018 at Southward Park Community Centre in regards to the Casablanca Environmental Assessment (EA). While the letter was sent to those on Casablanca Boulveard, if you have an interest or simply live in the West End of Grimsby, you should attend.