The Town is hosting a planning public meeting via Zoom for the proposed development at 19 Elm St. & 13 Mountain St. (AKA “The Woolverton”). If you haven’t already done so you can read more about the proposal at the Town’s “Let’s Talk” page: https://www.letstalkgrimsby.ca/19elm13mountain
The agenda for the meeting contains many pieces of correspondence as “testimonials” in favour of the project. There is also quite a list of participants who have registered to speak at the meeting. If you didn’t get a chance to register, you can still submit your comments by email to the Town Planning Department at: planning@grimsby.ca
The agenda for the meeting can be found at the following link: https://bit.ly/TOGP20211216
The meeting starts at 6PM and can be viewed at the Town’s livestream at https://www.grimsby.ca/livestream or our Facebook page with group chat.