The Town recently published notice of an “open house” meeting for the lands known as 502 Winston Road (aka “321 Hunter Road”). The meeting will focus on the applicant’s request to have the Official Plan amended to re-designate the land, which is in the Green Belt, from ” Specialty Crop Area – Tender Fruit and Grape Lands” to just “Rural”.
You can read our previous post on this property at this link here.
As this application could potentially have future bearing on the Green Belt and development status of these waterfront lands, it is important for residents to speak their opinions on this matter.
The meeting is scheduled for September 26, 2022 and sadly is a “Zoom-only” event, without an in-person component, which unfortunately limits participation for some. You can register to speak as a delegation before noon on September 23, 2022 by contacting the Town at: agignac@grimsby.ca
Background documents can be read at the Town’s Current Planning Applications page by following this link here.
And finally here is the public notice: