After developer LJM was granted 11 storeys by the OLT in Hamilton after having agreed to 6 storeys with the city, that rather precedent-setting decision did not go unnoticed by other developers and their various consultant groups. It now seems that New Horizon Development Group (NHDG) is attempting a similar feat with their trio of skyscrapers in Stoney Creek.
The firm is connected to the ownership of 502 Winston Road, covered in previous posts, which is attempting to get the Town and Region to re-designate their waterfront Greenbelt property from “Tender Fruit and Grape Lands” just to “rural” and primed for eventual development.
Back in Hamilton, the City rejected NHDG’s initial revised plan for three towers of 33, 38 and 44 storeys and 1,346 units at 310 Frances Avenue, which was then of course appealed to the OLT. According to this article in the Hamilton Spectator, NHDG is now asking for 40, 44 and 49 storeys and 1,492 residential units at the OLT.
The article also notes:
“While the new plan increases the height of one of the parking podiums, or garages, to eight storeys from five, it proposes fewer parking spaces per unit — 1.15, down from 1.25 and below the city’s required 1.5 — for a total shortfall of 522 spaces.
The proposed amenity space per unit is still less than half of city requirements, despite being boosted by a square metre to 9.8.”
The comments of one Hamilton Councillor pretty much sum up this questionable “play” by NHDG:
“I’ve never, ever in all my years had an applicant that’s put a different proposal before a board that hasn’t even been entertained by (city) staff and committee. I’ve never seen that happen.”
CounCILLOR Maria Pearson
Like any negotiation, it is not uncommon to increase your “ask” to try and firm up your “want” and negate any dealing down. Whether the new heights of these skyscrapers represent the “ask” and the original appealed heights are the “want” in this case, is anybody’s guess. It should be an interesting appeal to watch.
You can read the full article at the Spectator’s site by clicking the following link: