With today being the last day for public comments to be sent to the Province about the reversal of the Greenbelt changes (submit your comments here) and Council’s willingness to see parts of it not be re-protected, it seemed timely to take a look at the history of the Fifty Point area and its natural importance.
In the following article from the latest edition of “The Wood Duck“, Grimsby’s award-winning naturalist, Bruce Mackenzie takes a look back at the history of the Fifty Point Conservation Area and the lakefront radio tower lands.
It is a fascinating and insightful read that takes a look at the area, its evolution and current natural residents. Thanks to Bruce for allowing us to share this article.
Bruce is also looking for any old photos of the shoreline or identifiable lands between Fifty Road and Casablanca Road (North of the QEW) that they can share. If you have any possible photos of interest, please contact us at grimsbycitizens@gmail.com and we will put you in touch with Bruce.
Fifty-Point-Park-The-IdeaIf you wish to open the article in a new window, please click here.