Floreat Grimsby In Medio Horti

Author: GCFRG (Page 28 of 45)

NewsNow: Century Condos – 4 Storey Redesign

For the residents of Grimsby, they wanted to make sure the developer of Century Condos downtown heard their messages “loud and clear” on the proposed development.  From what News Now is reporting, it seems at least on the issue of height and heritage, the developer is going back to the drawing board for 4-storeys.

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And The Winner Is….

Thanks to all those who participated in our Easter Gift Certificate Giveaway!  We had many entries with great comments and suggestions.

The winner of the $20 Elm Street Cafe is Ann D.   We will be contacting the winner shortly to arrange the awarding of the prize.

Hope everyone had a safe and happy long weekend!

Notice: Cancellation of Second “Century Condos” Open House/Revised Design

The Town has posted the above public notice here  on the cancellation of the planned second “open house” on the Century Condo proposal downtown.

The notice states that the “proposed design will be changed significantly“, so there will be another Open House on the revised design at a future date.

Credit goes out to all residents who spoke, written and attended the meetings so far, the Planning & Development Committee, Town Staff and credit to the developer for listening to the community.

Let’s hope that the new design keeps with the Official Plan maximum height of four-storeys, brings a heritage look and keeps the whole community happy.


Easter Giveaway Contest!

We appreciate you!

This Easter weekend we are thankful for all Facebook followers, website readers and the caring community we live in.  And to say thanks, we will be giving away a $20 Elm Street Café gift certificate to one lucky follower/reader.

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Upcoming Meetings: April 2018

Spring is certainly upon us and with that is a new set of Town meetings for April.  You can see the upcoming meetings in our sidebar or click the graphic to be taken to our calendar.

Please note that although April 2 (Easter Monday) is typically a government holiday, Council will be seated on that day as per it’s regular schedule.

Also of special note is the April 10th, 2018 Planning & Development meeting.  For those who were unable to get into Town Hall and speak at the Century Condos “Open House” on March 27th, the Town has tentatively scheduled this date to give those people an opportunity to speak (we will post more details once they have been confirmed).

NTW Article: “No More Than Four!” Meeting Report

Photo Credit:  Niagara This Week/Richard Hutton

Richard Hutton of Niagara This Week just posted his article on last night’s Open House on “Century Condos”.  If you could not make it, it is worth the read to get a feel for the “room” that was Council Chambers on Tuesday evening.

We will have our own notes up of the meeting shortly.

You can read the NTW article at the following link:  https://www.niagarathisweek.com/news-story/8356851–no-more-than-four-/

Thank You: Century Condos Open House!

While we are compiling notes, we just wanted to say what a great turnout there was at Town Hall on Tuesday Night.  So much that the Fire Department had to enforce the 185 people maximum in the building and turn people away.

For those who were unable to get in, from our understanding (subject to change) the Town took their names and they will have an opportunity at the April 10, 2018 P&D meeting to have their say to Town Staff and the Committee.

For those who did get in and especially for those who spoke, it was clear that the Committee, Town Staff and the Developer heard the message of “No More Than Four”.  Some Committee members even went so far to remark “Three is even better”.

You can still send an e-mail/letter off to Council ahead of the Council meeting on Monday,

Thanks to everyone for joining the cause and their continuing support to preserve our Downtown!


REMINDER: Century Condos Open House Tonight – March 27th, 2018

Just a quick reminder for those who may have forgot (and we don’t think anyone has) that the Open House meeting for the proposed Century Condos on Downtown Main Street will be happening tonight.  The Developer, Town Staff and the Planning & Development Committee will be on hand to hear your take on this project.

Although the meeting will start at 7:00 PM, we encourage you to show up early and meet us in the parking lot where we will be handing out some important additional information.  Also seating will be at a premium, so early birds will get a good seat!

Location:  Grimsby Town Hall, Council Chambers, 160 Livingston Avenue
Time:  7:00 PM, but we recommend coming early for those who will require seating.

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