In this installment, which we hope might be the last, of the “Hydro Files” we will take a look at the Ontario Ombudsman’s investigations in Grimsby, not once but twice, into some “secret meetings” involving hydro matters held by the Town and the secret hydro empire it controls.
Tag: Transparency (Page 1 of 2)
While we originally would have normally called this post “Notes: Council – October 15, 2018”, the night’s events were quite heavy (handed) on the topic of the Town’s hydro companies, their financials and “secret” meetings. As such, we thought it qualified more as part of our “Hydro Files” series.
While in attendance at the July 16, 2018 Council meeting, we noted one item on the agenda whose timing was a little puzzling. This item was a recommendation from the “Working Committee Board of Directors for Niagara Power” with a list of the Town’s various hydro boards and individuals who were recommended to serve on them. Given that the election was just a few months away, we began wondering why 2 and 3-year terms appeared on the agenda and started thinking about these Boards of Directors.

Niagara This Week featured a personal piece with Mayor Bentley or “Mayor Bob” as he prefers to be called and his decision to not seek re-election to Grimsby’s Mayoral seat. With new additions to his family and many years in the public spotlight, we can certainly understand his decision.
Official Town Minutes:,1965,90198&preview=96209
Hospital Corridor Study
The Town is undertaking a study to develop a Secondary Plan and Urban Design Guidelines for the Town’s Hospital Corridor. This area is defined as all properties fronting onto Main Street East from Nelles Road to West Lincoln Memorial Hospital.
The latest issue of NewsNow, which should be hitting your mailbox in the next day or so, has rolled out a feature article and editorial on the recent approval by the Committee of Adjustment for a large-scale medical marijuana facility close to homes and the YMCA. The rather clandestine attempt to push this through is a real eye opener.
Our good friends over at A Better Niagara posted an open letter from Ed Smith, stressing the importance of the battle for transparency and better governance in Niagara that is before us. But as with all struggles, they come with a cost.
While you may be getting calls from the big parties looking for donations ahead of the June provincial election, we say that you will get more “bang for your buck” by donating to ABN and changing our local political landscape.
You can read the full post from Ed Smith/ABN on Facebook at:
Our friends over at A Better Niagara will be hosting a citizens rally ahead of April 12th’s Regional Council Meeting. Besides the general malaise seemingly affecting Regional Council, they also want to focus on the questionable hiring of the Region’s CAO.
If you are concerned about proper governance in Niagara, we encourage you to attend.
The rally will take place at 6:00 PM, ahead of the 6:30 PM meeting at:
Council Chambers
Niagara Region Headquarters, Campbell West
1815 Sir Isaac Brock Way,
Thorold, On
You can find more information in ABN’s Facebook post by clicking this link here.
If you thought the dire and questionable state of Niagara Regional Council couldn’t get any worse, well we have a surprise for you!
Photo Credit: St. Catharine’s Standard
As we reported a few weeks ago (here), the Courts dismissed the NPCA’s defamation case against Ed Smith, an outspoken advocate for transparency and good governance. At the time, there had been no ruling in Mr. Smith’s counterclaim against the NPCA and affiliated parties.