The Auditor General’s report on the audit of the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority was tabled a short time ago at Queen’s Park and is now available on the AG’s site. Not surprisingly, the AG found that there is some serious issues with that organization.
Month: September 2018 (Page 1 of 2)
The Town will be hosting an Open House for their Parks, Recreation and Culture Master Plan on Tuesday October 16th, 2018. This is your chance to see how the plan is forming and give your last minute input.
EDIT: The original date of October 9th has been changed to October 16th.
Details in the flyer as below:
Just a quick reminder that the Ward 4 debate is tonight (September 25th) at the Livingston Activity Centre at 7PM. The LAC is located at 18 Livingston Avenue, right beside Shoppers Drug Mart.
It will be an interesting week at Queen’s Park (and the Region) as the Auditor General is tabling it’s report on the audit of the Niagara Peninsula Conversation Authority.
The Region sent out a letter to residents along Casablanca announcing a “Stakeholder Workshop” will be held on September 27, 2018 at Southward Park Community Centre in regards to the Casablanca Environmental Assessment (EA). While the letter was sent to those on Casablanca Boulveard, if you have an interest or simply live in the West End of Grimsby, you should attend.
After discussions with many Grimsby residents, it seems that they have genuine concerns over the choice (and push) to use electronic voting in October’s municipal election. Does electronic voting have the integrity that a traditional ballot does? We say “NO!”.
With the last week of summer upon us, Council is back in session at it’s regular time on Monday night (September 17th @ 7PM). Concerning the agenda, if you enjoy having a garage party after 11PM or dusting it up with a little street fight now and then…. the By-Law updates are for you. For the rest of us, the Biodigester delegation may prove to be the more interesting item.
We have posted in our Events calendar a list of the All-Candidates Debates being hosted by A Better Grimsby. There will be debates for Mayor, Regional Councillor and all Ward Alderman races.

SOURCE: Twitter/@SandraLEaston
Lincoln Mayor Sandra Easton is not shying away from the sorry state of politics at the Region, including the controversial “hiring” of Regional CAO Carmen D’Angelo.
Easton who was a member of the CAO selection committee is now speaking out and saying that her four years at the Region and the “backroom dealing” there has left her “disgusted”.

While the weather might have been cool this past Monday outside Town Hall, the temperature inside reached a boiling point at the Admin & Finance Committee meeting that afternoon.