Well, what can we say… you read it here first way back in August when we stated that the promise of the GO Train into Niagara was going off the rails.
Month: November 2018 (Page 1 of 2)
Just a quick reminder that the deadline for applications to be a lay member on the fresh set of Town Committees and Boards closes on Friday, November 30th.
Despite getting the boot from the electorate, it looks like the “old guard” at the NPCA is desperately trying to retain control of the organization in one form or another. Unfinished business perhaps?
Well, we would normally have notes from Council but we think NewsNow sums up what happened with the Century Condo project past Monday evening pretty well. We have added in some prefacing commentary as well…
The external governance audit of Niagara Region, including the NPCA, that is being conducted by Dr. Andrew Sancton and Dr. Tim Cobban is seeking public input and is hosting a public meeting on November 28th at Niagara Regional HQ.

With the recent uproar over some extensive tree-cutting in NOTL to make way for a new development, A Better Niagara takes a look at how to better protect our natural environment from the ravages of development.
You can read their post on Facebook here: How Do We Change This?
With recent discussion surrounding Town Council and the proposed Century Condos project downtown, there is a common misunderstanding as to what decisions a council can or can not make.
With most of the Committees wrapped up for this term of Council, it’s been a little slower than usual on the news front. But we did have a *very* interesting P&D meeting on Tuesday with the proposed Century Condos downtown being the highlight. And of course we have the notes for your review…