While in attendance at the July 16, 2018 Council meeting, we noted one item on the agenda whose timing was a little puzzling. This item was a recommendation from the “Working Committee Board of Directors for Niagara Power” with a list of the Town’s various hydro boards and individuals who were recommended to serve on them. Given that the election was just a few months away, we began wondering why 2 and 3-year terms appeared on the agenda and started thinking about these Boards of Directors.
Category: Biodigester (Page 2 of 3)
…and a problem. Well we in fact have a few numbers, not just one… from the elusive web of Town hydro companies. On October 9, 2018 the Town’s 2017 financial statements were presented to the Admin & Finance Committee for their approval. Why is that interesting? Because it gave us a small window into what has been happening with the finances of the companies in the hydro group.

We noticed that NewsNow printed an interesting update on the Biodigester in this week’s edition of the paper entitled “Bio Blues”. The article examines the numerous non-compliance issues at the Biodigester found by the Province, which we do not find surprising. You can read the entire article here: https://www.wn3.ca/2018/10/06/bio-blues/
Given that “thing” on Sobie Road is probably burning more money than it is organic material, we thought we would take a look back at the Bio and see how Council voted on one of many issues to arise out of that white elephant. It has been a hot item on the minds of voters for this election cycle and one that causes incumbents to seek shelter or provide excuses. So let the record speak for itself.
Agenda: https://grimsby.civicweb.net/filepro/documents?expanded=542,543,90113&preview=96192
Official Town Minutes: https://grimsby.civicweb.net/filepro/documents?expanded=1127,1965,90198&preview=96209
Hospital Corridor Study
The Town is undertaking a study to develop a Secondary Plan and Urban Design Guidelines for the Town’s Hospital Corridor. This area is defined as all properties fronting onto Main Street East from Nelles Road to West Lincoln Memorial Hospital.
While the kids are out of school and people are relaxing in their summer holidays, Council will be hard at work tonight with a very lengthy agenda covering a wide range of matters.
Among some of the topics of interest are:

Photo Credit: Niagara This Week
While the biodigester is still taking it’s first baby steps after only a few months of operation, Grimsby Energy is already publicizing a potential partnership with Union Gas.
You can read more in this Niagara This Week article:
Hot on the heels of our previous post on GEI’s advertorial that appeared recently, we received an e-mail-up from a reader who took part in the “Doors Open” tour of the Biodigester and has been following this project closely.
Needless to say, some of the points raised are very thought provoking, but as a disclaimer… these are the independent opinions of the reader and not this site.
Propaganda? Damage control?
To pay for an advertisement encouraging the public to share “feel good” comments with the local media about a very expensive and questionable piece of equipment (supported by the Town and taxpayers) … it seems like it.
Another topic of late that has been heating up (along with the supposed Biodigester), is where did the $9 million in proceeds go from Grimsby’s sale of it’s share of Niagara Regional Broadband Networks?
Photo Credit: GEI
For those who attended Monday night’s Council meeting (and it was basically a packed house), most of us walked away with more questions on the Biodigester than what we had walking into the meeting. It was rather interesting to see the “canned speech” which attempted to (and failed miserably) answer the questions that people are asking.