Here is our post of upcoming October meetings at Town Hall.
Council reconvenes on Monday and the full agenda can be viewed here:,543,79798&preview=86994
Floreat Grimsby In Medio Horti
Here is our post of upcoming October meetings at Town Hall.
Council reconvenes on Monday and the full agenda can be viewed here:,543,79798&preview=86994
Highlights of the Planning & Development Committee meeting on September 26:
Official Minutes:,1923,79758&preview=86955
We hope that everyone managed to enjoy the unseasonable (in a good sense) weather we had this past weekend. While it may have felt like summer, it is definitely fall and the Planning & Development Agenda for this Tuesday’s meeting is an extensive buffet of items.
Grab your utensils and let’s dig into the Agenda!
Planning & Development Committee started the Fall 2017 session off with a buffet of agenda items. The updated agenda (with the Interim Site Alteration/Fill By-law) can be found at:,773,79437&preview=86329
Here are the highlights of the meeting:
Here are some highlights of what’s on the September 12th Planning & Development Committee agenda:,773,79437&preview=86329
Well, hope that everyone had great summer… kids are back in school (most of them) and the meeting schedule at Town Hall is picking up once again. With the days growing shorter, meetings are back to their regular times for the rest of the schedule.
Well, summer may be upon us but that didn’t keep people from packing the gallery at the July 11th Planning & Development Committee. With two “Open Houses” on the Agenda, it was great to see such a large turnout by residents who actively took part in the meetings.
Well, summertime may be upon us and while many of us be in vacation mode, things may be a little slower at Town Hall as well… but the meetings must go on (albeit on a summer schedule).
This week’s past Planning & Development Committee had a little bit of everything. Perhaps it was not as exciting as the Committee of Adjustment meeting across the hall but definitely covered wider ground (pun intended). The official minutes of the meeting can be found at:,1923,79758&preview=84972
As usual, here are our notes on the meeting…
This week brings us meetings of many of the Town Committees and they sure look to have an interesting lineup… a little something for everyone it seems.
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