The Region will be presenting as a delegation at tonight’s Council meeting on the proposed Livingston Avenue Extension, as part of the Regional Official Plan Amendment 13 (ROPA 13).
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The Region will be presenting as a delegation at tonight’s Council meeting on the proposed Livingston Avenue Extension, as part of the Regional Official Plan Amendment 13 (ROPA 13).
Continue readingJust a quick reminder that the Public Information Centre/Meeting/Workshop on the Environmental Assessment for the Livingston Avenue Extension will be held on Tuesday (May 28th), starting at 6:15PM at the Casablanca Winery Inn.
Continue readingThe Region has just sent out a update notice in regards to the two Environment Assessments (EA) it is undertaking in Grimsby. While the first Public Information Centre (PIC) was held last year and covered both EAs, they have now been split.
With fall in the air, our local enclaves of forests (well, we don’t really have many left below the escarpment) are starting to turn into beautiful hues and the much loved Irish Woodlot in Grimsby is no exception. As such, we thought it would be apt to turn our “How They Voted” eyes onto the Irish Woodlot and the proposed “Livingston Avenue Extension” through it.
Yes, the headline may sound a little spectacular but when you start connecting the dots, it is clear that much like the Regional CAO hiring process, there is a “parallel process” at play at the Region with a potential predetermined outcome when it comes to the Greenbelt.
The Region sent out a letter to residents along Casablanca announcing a “Stakeholder Workshop” will be held on September 27, 2018 at Southward Park Community Centre in regards to the Casablanca Environmental Assessment (EA). While the letter was sent to those on Casablanca Boulveard, if you have an interest or simply live in the West End of Grimsby, you should attend.
We are going to hand over the reins of this post to Bruce Mackenzie, a local and noted naturalist who has championed conservation of natural resources both here in Grimsby and around the province. You might recognize his name as part of Hawkwatch, saving the Biggar Lagoons bird habitat or his dedication to preserving the woodlot.
There will be a Public Information Centre on the Casablanca and Livingston Environmental Assessments (EAs) being conducted by the Region.
The PIC will be open tonight (June 20th) from 5PM to 8PM at the Casablanca Winery Inn with a presentation at 6PM.
The EA on the Livingston Avenue Extension has been a controversial topic as it will examine whether to plow through the Greenbelt and Irish Woodlot with a road that most see as unnecessary.
The Council Chambers were packed again as two hot issues were on the agenda – the potential Livingston Avenue Extension through the woodlot and ongoing dumping of fill on Kemp Road properties. And don’t miss the New Business piece at the very end … the Biodigester!
The Public Works meeting on August 16th, 2017 is one many of us have been looking forward to. This meeting represents the first of the last big steps (the second being Town Council next week) that could finally ensure that the Irish Wood Lot is protected from having a major roadway plowed through it in the name of the unneeded Livingston Avenue extension.
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