Floreat Grimsby In Medio Horti

Category: Other News (Page 1 of 7)

Province To Review Grimsby Costs of Grimsby and Pickering

Photo Credit: CPAC/Fair Dealing

On Monday, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing Paul Calandra announced at Queens Park that after reviewing previous decisions made by the Ministry, it would be introducing legislation to roll back Provincial changes made to Official Plans and Official Plan Amendments in 13 municipalities, including those made to the Region of Niagara’s OP (list of changes here).

For the most part, this applies to urban boundary changes. Calandra said this was part of “building a better relationship” with municipalities. That also includes the Minister “reviewing costs” of Grimsby and Pickering, reversing course on his statements last week that would have municipalities on the hook for incurred expenses.

The costs incurred by Pickering hover around $360K, while Grimsby’s costs have been pegged between $82K to $88K.

While the Province intends on making municipalities whole, officially no “person” will have any recourse under Bill 136 aka “The Greenbelt Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023” should it receive Royal Assent in its current version.

With provisions such as “Proceedings barred”, “No costs award”, “No remedy” and “Retrospective effect”, the Province has attempted to prevent litigation through legislation between anyone, be it the Province, developers, municipalities and other classes related to this whole affair.

The $10 Million Waterfront Gamble: Part 3 – How Did 502 Winston Get In The Province’s Greenbelt Proposal?

With Bill 23 now passed by the Ford Government and having received Royal Assent, the proposed Greenbelt changes have now come into focus. This has spurred calls for the Premier to resign, an MPP launching a complaint to Ontario’s Integrity Commissioner and many calling for a criminal investigation due to the issue not passing the “sniff test”. With media linking possible names and political donations to the PC party, it seemed timely to return to our own local Greenbelt parcel of controversy, 502 Winston Road.

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Town Announces Departure of CAO Harry Schlange

The Town released a media statement today regarding the departure of CAO Harry Schlange. Mr. Schlange will no longer be with the Town as of December 5, 2022 based upon a “mutual agreement” between him and the Town.

This move was not unexpected, given some of the controversies during his tenure in Grimsby and the common “shuffling of the CAO deck” by new terms of Councils in the province.

The Director of Legislative Services/Municipal Clerk, Ms. Sarah Kim, will fill the role as Acting CAO in the interim.

The full statement from the Town can be read at this link here.

Ottawa Planning Staff Analyze Bill 23: Local Impacts Are Grim

When Premier Ford decided to drop Bill 23 aka “More Homes Built Faster Act” on October 25th, a day after the municipal election, planning staff in many municipalities scrambled to analyze what this bill would mean. We know it will line the pockets of Ford’s developer friends, but how will it impact municipalities… and ultimately the taxpayers that fund them.

The Planning Staff in Ottawa scoured over the document and looked at what the changes would mean for the City and prepared a report for the consideration of their Council. Their findings paint a grim picture of the local impacts that the Bill will have upon their city, and by extension, other municipalities.

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Ford & PCs Planning To Bulldoze Parts Of The Greenbelt, Grimsby Included

Photo Credit: Canadian Press/Chris Young – Fair Dealing

Our next post was meant to highlight the environmental aspects of Bill 23 “More Homes Built Faster Act, but it appears Doug Ford and his Progressive “Conservatives” managed to one-up themselves today by proposing to remove or re-designate 7,400 acres from the Greenbelt. Among the proposed areas up for grabs in Grimsby is the 502 Winston Road lakefront property and a large block near Main Street West.

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In Case You Missed It: Ford’s “Bill 23” Proposes Radical Changes To Planning, Heritage And More

This post seemed fit under “In Case You Missed It” as the Ford government introduced Bill 23 aka “More Homes Built Faster Act” one day after Ontario’s municipal elections. The bill proposes about “50 actions” that slashes and burns everything from the Planning Act, the Ontario Heritage Act, and the Conservation Authorities Act just for starters.

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Queen Elizabeth II (1926-2022)

Photo Credit: Region of Peel Archives

As most readers are aware Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of Canada, passed away earlier today at the age of 96. The Queen was the longest-reigning and longest-living of all British monarchs.

While there are Official Portraits of the Queen, it thought it fitting to show a photo of the Queen and Prince Philip during their visit to Niagara Falls in the autumn of 1951. She was well-loved by not only those in the UK, but those in and out of the Commonwealth, including Niagara.

Our condolences go out to the Royal Family and all those here in Canada and around the world who admired her grace and charm. She is succeeded by her son, King Charles III. Vivat Rex.

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